26 фев 2014, 12:42
ктулху писал(а):Кстати искал что-либо на FDM-V1 от Elad (FM-конвертер и преселектор к FDM-S1), но отзывов ноль. Может, "оно"? там что-то туманно намекали на максимальную возможную полосу в 6 МГц.
fleiv писал(а):На Яхугрупс пишут про неплохую динамику, но коэффициент шума(9 дБ) мог бы и поменьше быть. У Сони 7дБ, что тоже немало.
Better than 2uV for 12dB SINAD
Clipping level -3dB
IP3 +21dBm
26 фев 2014, 23:16
Очевидно одно - с Сони ХДР сложно тягаться...
27 фев 2014, 00:33
fleiv писал(а):Я смотрю, обзавелись Сонькой?
27 фев 2014, 00:41
27 фев 2014, 12:32
fleiv писал(а):И так и не сделали сравнения с персеем
12 мар 2014, 01:35
fleiv писал(а):Может и в АРУ у соньки дело, может кто-то неумеет выставлять правильно аттенюатор в фм+, короче сплошной субъективизм
I owned both a modified Yamaha T-85 and the Sony. While the Sony was a sensitive unit I found the T-85 to better overall (sensitivity, selectivity, fine tuning, etc). The S2 is almost equal to the T-85 in sensitivity (it may be better...too early tell imho) and is better in selectivity, tuning, overload handling. Even without the ability to record up to 6 mhz of bandwidth it's a winner.
Keith McGinnis
Hingham MA
12 мар 2014, 10:40
FDM-DUOr at the moment do not have internal FM preselection filter but this is not the final decision so far, on last saturday in Montichiari some ask for this and I'm considering the possibility to introduce it.
Next week we will try new preselector board so we will take the final decision.
WFM demodulator in stand alone it is not implemented also and we have to check if there will be enough resources on microcontroller maybe will not possible, in this case the WFM will be only used with the PC.
Franco IU3ADL
12 мар 2014, 12:18
12 мар 2014, 14:54
fleiv писал(а):Сколько эта муть стоит?
No, the Elad does not receive the OIRT band. Tuning there generates an “out of range” error.
24 мар 2014, 18:53
Studio 1 1.05e features a totally re-designed RDS demodulation processing, from filtering to bit-stream extraction. Also a new “DX mode” feature has been added to the RDS decoder.
The new RDS processing offers “state of the art” performances, very close to the theoretical limits. Testing has shown that it is still possible to obtain a valid RDS PI from a signal with only a 10 dB S/N ratio.
73 Sandro
25 мар 2014, 00:06
Hi all,
Just spend a few hours to evaluate the RDS detection of 3 software packages using the FDM-S2.
I made a list of 20 frequencies with to me known stations with weak signals with no degradation from overlapping neigbouring stations, known PI codes and submitted them to the 3 contending programs. As a reference I used the ELAD SW2 v1.09 and compared it against Studio 1 v1.05e and SDR-radio V2-1672.
The result was 4 out of 20 PI codes detected by SW2, 1 out of 20 for Studio 1 and 9 out of 20 for SDR-radio. Maybe this info can be of use to the FM broadcast dx'ers and that is why I wanted to share this test on the group.
73" Ron
23 янв 2017, 14:52
23 янв 2017, 20:57
24 янв 2017, 01:26
25 янв 2017, 21:18