Цифровое ТВ и радио

Великобритания хочет отключить FM в пользу DAB к 2015 году

02 ноя 2009, 10:58

Why radio's grand plan has me tuning out

A Digital Britain is looking further away as the global radio industry adopts multiple digital formats and FM and the internet enter a golden age

You wouldn't normally know there was a fight going on in the UK's radio industry: in public, they all want to keep smiling, because it discourages awkward questions. It was therefore brave of Scott Taunton, head of TalkSport's parent, UTV Radio GB, to break ranks by speaking out in an interview in last week's MediaGuardian.

Like the little boy who noticed the emperor had no clothes, Taunton pointed out the obvious about the industry's desire to move to DAB digital radio and switch off FM in six years, as outlined in Lord Carter's Digital Britain report: "I don't think there is anyone who genuinely believes 2015 is realistic," he said.

Worse, he pointed out that moving to the more efficient DAB+ system (more stations, better sound, lower transmission costs) had the problem that almost all the DAB sets in UK homes can't receive it. "The future at the moment is FM," he said. "The next generation is about iPhones with FM receivers."

Taunton is obviously not the first to point to these problems. What makes it shocking is that he represents a leading industry company that has invested in DAB – not some minor commercial broadcaster, analyst or journalist.

So is this a trend? Will other broadcasters follow UTV's lead or will they close ranks? Was Taunton flying a kite, or was it the fallout from a personality clash? UTV has quit the industry body, RadioCentre, making its displeasure plain. The worst case scenario – probably discussed around the watercoolers – is that the radio industry wants to change course. With the decline in commercial radio revenues and the BBC under increasing pressure, perhaps the investment Carter requires in expanding digital radio coverage is no longer worth the concessions on offer.

But while the chitchat continues, the global radio industry is heading for chaos due to the range of digital formats being adopted. Briefly, most people were happy backing DAB, until DAB – globally – failed. So, in 2006, the World DAB Forum changed its name to WorldDMB and agreed a new global standard, DAB+, which would make everything all right again. Or not.

The UK radio industry still wants DAB, it says, but Australia is going for DAB+. Germany is turning off DAB at the end of the year and may go to DAB+. Sweden's broadcasters asked for DAB+ but their government reckons it's cheaper and more efficient to use the TV network, DVB-T2. France has picked T-DMB, but may change its mind. And so on. For a running commentary on the various international twists and turns, read Grant Goddard's radio blog.

There are also at least two more approved European standards. One is DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale), which is being upgraded to DRM+. The other is SDR (Satellite Digital Radio), which is similar to the systems used in the US and South Korea.

Confused? You should be. Everybody recognises that global standards are required so that designers and their (usually Asian) manufacturer can increase production volumes, drive down prices, and deliver devices that consumers can use anywhere. Only compatible technologies can enable competition on content. Instead, nations are acting like minor fiefdoms, making long-term decisions based on arbitrary local conditions.

This might be OK if there were no alternatives. However, most people in the UK can also get digital radio via DVB-T, in the form of a £20 Freeview set-top box. On Freeview, 20 digital radio stations take up far less space than one HDTV channel. Other households get a digital radio option via their cable or satellite TV supplier.

Most people in the UK can also get global standard digital radio streamed over the internet. At the moment, most listen using their PCs, but standalone Wi-Fi radios are getting cheaper and easier to "tune". A Wi-Fi radio can be plugged in anywhere there's a Wi-Fi signal. It offers access to many thousands of stations from all over the world – including the BBC's national and local stations – and lets listeners create their own "stations" using services such as Spotify, last.fm and (if available) Pandora.

Internet radio's sound quality can be much higher than DAB or even DAB+. Indeed, someone with an 8Mbps internet connection could listen to about 100 DAB-quality radio stations at once. The problem, of course, is getting the internet to a car driver, a commuter, or someone just walking down the street. However, that should be practicable using either WiMax (a souped-up long range Wi-Fi) or the next generation of mobile broadband, known as LTE (Long Term Evolution).

While broadcasters watch rival digital platforms for signs that listeners are actually adopting them, sales of FM receivers grow faster than those of DAB sets.

It has become increasingly difficult to buy a DAB radio that doesn't have FM as well. Also, FM radios are becoming common in MP3 players, mobile phones and other portable devices, just as Taunton said. The radio industry analyst Grant Goddard agrees: "For me, the main benefit of radio has always been its portability, and perhaps we're entering a boom time for radio on portable devices."

This is a global phenomenon. Key decisions are being taken in China, South Korea and Taiwan, in Finland and the US, not in London. A golden age of FM and internet radio is the last thing DAB's backers need with a 2015 target in mind.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/organgr ... n-troubles
корявый перевод

Re: Великобритания хочет отключить FM в пользу DAB к 2015 году

20 фев 2010, 12:39

European commercial radio trade group says ‘no’ to universal FM switch-off date
At the start of its annual conference held in Brussels on 11/12 February 2010, the Association of European Radios [AER], the trade group representing 4,500+ European commercial radio stations (including RadioCentre members in the UK), issued the following press statement:

“AER considers that setting a date for the switch-off of analogue radio services is currently impossible. Indeed, the question of which kind of technology will be used should be solved first. Hence, broadcasting in FM and AM shall remain the primary means of transmission available for radios in all countries, with the possibility to simulcast in digital technology, until market developments enable a potential time-frame for general digitisation of radio. Transition to any digital broadcasting system should benefit from a long time-frame, unless there is industry agreement at national level to move at a faster rate.”

This statement followed on from a policy paper the Association had published a few days earlier, responding to the European Commission’s Radio Spectrum Policy Group plans for its draft Work Programme. The paper said, in part:

“It should be underlined that, in most of Europe, currently and for the foreseeable future, there is only one viable business model: free-to-air FM broadcasting on Band II. Thus, Band II is the frequency range between 87.5-108 MHz and only represents 20.5 MHz. Across Europe, nearly every single frequency is used in this bandwidth. Thanks to the broad receiver penetration and the very high usage by the listeners, this small bandwidth is very efficiently used. On-air or internet-based commercially-funded digital radio has indeed not yet achieved widespread take up across European territories. These two means of transmission will be part of the patchwork of transmission techniques for commercially-funded radios in the future, but it is hard to foresee when.

So no universal switch-off date for analogue broadcasting services can currently be envisaged and decision on standards to be used for digital radio broadcasting should be left to the industry on a country-by-country basis.

Radio’s audience is first and foremost local or regional. Moreover, spectrum is currently efficiently managed by European states and this should remain the case: national radio frequency landscapes and national radio broadcasting markets are different, with divergent plans for digitization, diverse social, cultural and historical characteristics and with distinct market structures and needs…..”

“Finally, AER would like to recall that European radios can only broadcast programmes free of charge to millions of European citizens, thanks to the revenues they collect by means of advertising. These revenues are decreasing all through Europe due to two factors: the shift towards internet-based advertising, and the recent financial crisis. For 2009, radio advertising market shares were forecast to decrease by 3 to 20% all across Europe, compared to 2008.

In some countries (e.g. France and the UK), a part of the revenues derived from the TV digital switchover was supposed to be allocated to the support of digitisation schemes for radio. This is no longer the case. In most countries, it is still unclear who will bear the costs of the digitisation process.

However, any shift towards digital radio broadcasting entails very long-lasting and burdensome investments. Nevertheless, some individual nations may wish to proceed with a move to greater digital broadcasting at a faster rate, as there will be no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach.

So, any shift towards digital radio broadcasting will most likely require a very long process. Decision on the adequate time-frame should be left to each national industry: as a matter of principle, transition to any improved digital broadcasting system should benefit from a long time-frame, unless there is industry agreement to move at a faster rate.

It should also be recalled that commercially-funded radios are SMEs, and are in no position to compete for access to spectrum with other market players. So, market-based approaches to spectrum (such as service neutrality or secondary trading) should not be enforced in bands where commercially-funded radios broadcast or may broadcast.

To end up with, AER would like to recall that, in most of Europe, currently and for the foreseeable future, there is only one viable business model: free-to-air FM broadcasting on Band II; hence:

• no universal switch-off date for analogue broadcasting services can currently be envisaged
• now and for a foreseeable future, commercially-funded radios need guaranteed access to spectrum, in all bands described above. Besides, no further change to the GE 84 plan [the 1984 Geneva FM radio broadcast frequencies agreement] should be suggested, but the plan should be applied with consideration to the technological development (and its enlarged scope of possibilities) throughout the past 25 years
• any shift towards digital radio broadcasting should benefit from a long and adequate time-frame.”

Re: Великобритания хочет отключить FM в пользу DAB к 2015 году

20 фев 2010, 13:29

сколько букаф...
Можно в общем смысле коротко тезисами прояснить про что там?

Re: Великобритания хочет отключить FM в пользу DAB к 2015 году

20 фев 2010, 14:26

http://translate.google.com/translate?u ... =&ie=UTF-8

Re: Великобритания хочет отключить FM в пользу DAB к 2015 году

14 июл 2010, 13:47

Британцы не хотят цифрового телевидения

Опрос, проведенный на одном из правительственных сайтов Великобритании, показал, что жители страны против прекращения FM- и AM-радиовещания. Дискуссия по поводу необходимости принятия закона о цифровом и аналоговом радио была организована вице-премьером Ником Клеггом, сообщает Руформатор со ссылкой на британскую газету The Daily Telegraph. Решение о переходе Великобритании на цифровое телевещание к 2012 году уже принято, и по поводе его дискуссий не проводится.

"Я слушал DAB в своей машине, и знаете что? Во многих районах оно не принимается!" – написал один из голосовавших. "Отключение AM- и FM-станций – это настоящий абсурд!" – выражал свое мнение другой.

Тем не менее, министр культуры Эд Вайзи, который давно убеждал правительство убрать из эфира все FM-радиостанции в стране к 2015 году, не опускает руки и собирается не только вести просветительскую работу среди населения, но заниматься развитием технологии с целью увеличения покрытия.

"Цифровое радио - это огромный прорыв для индустрии и для слушателя... До слушателей необходимо донести то, что цифровое радио предоставляет более интересный и разнообразный контент. И дома, и в машине качество звучания будет выше", – сказал он на одной из конференций в Лондоне, посвященных электронике.

"Но мы не можем принимать решений без одобрения общественности", - признает министр.

Те временем газета предполагает, что подобная активность со стороны правительства вызвана не только заботой о населении, но и желанием разгрузить частотный диапазон.

Аналоговое вещание занимает гораздо больший спектр, чем цифровой. Именно по этой причине правительства многих стран активно борются за введение цифрового телевидения. Освободившееся частоты могут быть использованы, например, военными.

Re: Великобритания хочет отключить FM в пользу DAB к 2015 году

12 сен 2010, 17:44

Еще бы. Практически в каждом телефоне есть ФМ приемник, не говоря уже про автомобилистов. Чья то жадность все эти цифровые потуги. А экономия частот выйдет боком.

Re: Великобритания хочет отключить FM в пользу DAB к 2015 году

19 сен 2010, 11:12

Чем уже спектр тем хуже качество. Закон сохранения энергии ещё никто не отменял.
Как быстро вы узнаёте родной голос в сотовом телефоне? То-то же... :(
И не переубеждайте меня в обратном! Добрый теплый аналог - ФОРЕВА!!! :D

Re: Великобритания хочет отключить FM в пользу DAB к 2015 году

19 сен 2010, 13:24

Теорему Котельникова-Шеннона и выкладки господина Найквиста тоже ещё никто не опроверг :) . Рано или поздно, но каналы получения информации будут в основном цифровыми. На ж/д составы паровозами уже давно не тягают :) .

Норвегия хочет отключить FM в пользу DAB к 2017 году

10 фев 2011, 07:38

Norway: FM liquidation in 2017 - Radio media will be digital

Minister Anniken Huitfeldt has today published white paper on digitalization of radio media.

In the white paper will be arranged so that radio can be a full-digitized medium, and the FM broadcasts can be discontinued in 2017.

Link to Paper

- Radio Industry wants liquidation, and the government now takes an active steps to facilitate a transition to digital radio, and to take care of their listeners' interests, says Culture Minister Anniken Huitfeldt.

- But we expect more absolute requirements for termination of the FM band. Among other things, have a total population have access to a digital radio broadcast offer before robbing can discontinue its FM broadcasts, and all the NRK channels must have a population coverage that corresponds to the current P1 coverage on FM. We will also demand that the commercial channels should have at least 90 per cent population coverage digitally.

- Furthermore, it is not at least one important requirement that the transition to digital radio gives listeners a more value in the form of more channels, content, services, better sound and reception, etc.. We also make some additional requirements for an FM liquidation may take place in 2017. At least half the listeners in 2015 to listen to a digital radio platform daily, and it must be the same year technically satisfactory and reasonable solutions for the car. If not, the FM dismantling postponed until 2019, says Anniken Huitfeldt.

- When it comes to local radio, we put up the most (and least) local radio can continue on FM after 2017, if they wish.

Radio is with the newspaper the last medium that still primarily analog. The government will continue the current policy that the digitization of the radio medium will be player controlled. The social value of the radio medium has, makes the decision still not fully left to the market. The proposals in this White Paper, Norway will be right at the front when it comes to digitization and modernization of the radio.

The question of the digitalization of radio were last treated in the Report. nr. 30 (2006-2007) broadcasting in a digital future.

http://www.regjeringen.no/nb/dep/kud/pr ... ?id=632748
англ перевод

Re: Великобритания хочет отключить FM в пользу DAB к 2015 году

24 мар 2011, 19:23

Обьясните мне чем отличается DAB от DAB + :)

Re: Великобритания хочет отключить FM в пользу DAB к 2015 году

27 мар 2011, 18:54

An upgraded version of the system was released in February 2007, which is called DAB+. DAB is not forward compatible with DAB+, which means that DAB-only receivers will not be able to receive DAB+ broadcasts. DAB+ is approximately twice as efficient as DAB due to the adoption of the AAC+ audio codec, and DAB+ can provide high quality audio with as low as 64kbit/s. Reception quality will also be more robust on DAB+ than on DAB due to the addition of Reed-Solomon error correction coding.

Re: Великобритания хочет отключить FM в пользу DAB к 2015 году

27 мар 2011, 19:14

вообщем DAB die
Последний раз редактировалось Serg 63 03 апр 2011, 20:24, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

Re: Великобритания хочет отключить FM в пользу DAB к 2015 году

28 мар 2011, 12:51

А по русски?

Re: Великобритания хочет отключить FM в пользу DAB к 2015 году

03 апр 2011, 20:07

DAB+ примерно вдвое эффективнее DAB благодаря использованию аудиокодека AAC+. Далее по тексту :)

Re: Великобритания хочет отключить FM в пользу DAB к 2015 году

07 авг 2011, 13:38

Voice of Russia finally gets London DAB licence in UK
August 3rd, 2011 - 15:11 UTC
by Andy Sennitt.
No comments yet
The latest Radio Broadcast Update from UK regulator Ofcom confirms that a full-time London DAB licence has been issued to the World Radio Network for the Voice of Russia (VoR). This DAB service was originally supposed to launch in February. In the meantime VoR has been broadcasting on DAB via multilingual station Spectrum Radio. VoR will appear on the Greater London II multiplex.
(Source: Ofcom)
Related story:
Voice of Russia to launch in London on digital radio

Voice of Russia to launch in London on digital radio
February 3rd, 2011 - 14:09 UTC
by Andy Sennitt.
In a message dated 1 February 2011, the Voice of Russia World Service in English announces on its website that it has launched a 24/7 feed for listeners in London. It says “24 hours a day we’ll fill you in on the latest developments here in Russia and the world. We are working for you and all your suggestions and requests are most welcome. Just log on to our website at english.ruvr.ru.”‘
In fact, Media Network has learned that the service has been slightly delayed, and is now expected to launch on or around 15 February.
(Source: Voice of Russia)